7 Keys To Making Personalized Copy Pay Off

First, determine your objectives

Effective use of personalization starts with the goals you are trying to achieve.

Know your audience and what matters to it

The best personalized promotions hinge on specific knowledge of the targeted individual.

Use proven layouts

Many studies have shown which typographic and design techniques catch the reader’s attention and guide it to the points you want to make. A good place to start: David Ogilvy’s landmark book, “Confessions of an Advertising Man.”

Build results tracking and measurement into your strategy

Your project must identify and measure results and include a means of collecting all relevant information.

Take full advantage of digital printing technology

Ask yourself (and your copywriter and designer) how to vary your page content in ways that help you reach your marketing goals.

Avoid production snafus

Get your ducks in a row before the presses start to roll. Factors you must attend to are your variable data sources, the logic of your presentation, proofing, color qualities, and online paper handling and finishing.

Engineer your process

Your overall plan should involve collection of all data, organizing it, and using it to generate well-designed documents.

See also:

Who Should You Target When Using Postcards

10 Tips on Making Postcard Mailings Work

3 Keys to Effective Digital Postcards

Make Your Next Postcard Interesting and Personal

Postcard Marketing

8 Advantages of Postcard Mailings

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