Pointers on how to save printing dollars without hurting the eye-appeal and response rates of your mailing packages:
Plan ahead and avoid costly last-minute changes. Make a full-size paper dummy of every mailing. Make sure that:
All components are machine-insertable into the outer envelope. If in doubt, check your printer for allowable dimensions.
The outer-envelope window is large enough to qualify for the USPS barcoding discount.
The order form fits into the reply envelope.
You have a valid USPS reply-mail permit.
Schedule your project to eliminate last-minute-rush charges.
Ask for paper suggestions. We can often suggest alternative stocks and sizes that can save money, without overly messing with the design of your mailing piece.
Prepare artwork completely and correctly. Include all necessary files.
Don’t forget art, other live files.
Accompany files with a hard copy of what you think is on them.
Specify the names and versions of the software used to prepare your files.
At no cost to you, The Castle Press reviews your artwork for completeness using pre-flight software.
Avoid using bleeds—which require extra paper and cutting—if you can.
Keep your test-panel changes simple. Instead of printing prices or other variations in type that reverses out of a four-color area, for instance, use black or one PMS color with nothing behind it, or as a surprint.
Use standing dies. If we do not offer exactly the die you want, we may have one that’s close.
Combining pieces onto one press form makes printing faster, more economical.
Preprint package components—BRE’s you will mail again, for instance—when you can.
Use laser printers for continuous forms.