Pointers on how to save printing dollars without hurting the eye-appeal and response rates of your mailing packages:
If you use an addressing window on your outer envelope, place it on the left. In English-speaking countries, readers’ eyes track from left to right.
Place your headline above the addressing window. It stands a better chance of being read there, since most people go from the top of the envelope down to the name-and-address area.
Do not use a period at the end of your headline. It’s a stopper, exactly when you want your reader to continue. Another punctuation mark (for instance, …, ?, or !) is fine, if the sense of your headline calls for one.
Tailor your envelope copy to your market situation. Explicit copy works best with highly competitive or low-involvement markets, such as credit card or telecommunications offers. Teaser copy can do the job in less-competitive or high-involvement areas, such as health and cosmetic products and subscriptions to investment newsletters.
Back-of-envelope copy should never introduce a new idea. It should echo and condense your front headline.
In your letter, place benefit copy above the name-and-address or salutation area. Don’t box this text, which stops people. Instead, use bullet points.
Limit letter paragraphs to five lines at most.
Indent all paragraphs.
Use a serif typeface in lines no more than 85 characters in width, in black type on white paper.
Insert a telephone icon next to your 800 number every time you mention it. And if you must use a mnemonic phone number (for instance, 1-800-FLOWERS), which irritates many people and depresses response from them, follow it immediately with the corresponding all-numeral number in the same type size and weight.
In laser letters, personalize at least the name-and-address area, the salutation, and the P.S. In two-page or longer letters, break each page in the midst of a sentence and end the page with an “over, please” or similar direction—which will double the time people spend reading your letter.
See also:
Direct Mail Packages Home Page
Marketing Home Page
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