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Direct Mail Copy Writing Quiz

Consultant Deborah S. Ramstorf asks 9 questions that she says show how well you know direct-mail advertising copy.

What percentage of your copy should be composed of words of five or fewer letters?

a. 80%

b. 90%

c. 50%

d. 40%

Eight out of 10 words of your copy, Ramstorf says, should consist of five or fewer letters.

You should write your copy for which grade level?

a. 4th

b. 6th

c. 8th

d. 10th

Ramstorf advises you to write for the sixth-grade level.

Your sentence length should be

a. As long as you need

b. 10-15 words

c. 15-20 words

d. 20-25 words

Sentence length should average 15-20 words, Ramstorf advises.

For every “I” or “we” in your copy, how many times should you use “you” or “yours?”

a. 1

b. 4

c. 6

d. 8

“You cannot use ‘you’ too often,” Ramstorf urges.

Aim for a max headline length of

a. As long as you need

b. 5 words

c. 7 words

d. 10 words

Shoot for a top headline length of seven words, according to Ramstorf.

Aim for paragraph length of at most

a. 6 lines

b. 8 lines

c. 10 lines

d. 15 lines

No paragraph should go beyond six lines, Ramstorf says.

Your first and last sentences should consist of a maximum of ____ words?

a. 5

b. 8

c. 10

d. 15

Your first and last sentences should be 15 words or fewer.

How many bullets are best for a bulleted list?

a. 1 or 2

b. 2 or 4

c. 3 or 5

d. 6+

Lists of three or five items work best.

The most powerful word in direct mail is

a. New

b. Attention

c. Free

d. Urgent

“While you may get tired of using it,” your reader seems never to tire of seeing “Free.”

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