Structure your copy
Bob Stone, who wrote the classic book, “Successful Direct Marketing Methods,” says that this architecture makes for an effective letter:
First Paragraph: Identify your product and present its main benefit for the reader
Second Paragraph: Expand on the main product benefit
Third Section: Detail the product’s features
Fourth Section: Present testimonials
Fifth Section: Call to action
End with a P.S. that sets a time limit for your offer
Use key words and phrases
John Kremer, author of “The Complete Direct Marketing Sourcebook,” says that these words work like magic in direct mail:
Free | New | Bonus |
Satisfaction guaranteed | Order now | Success |
Discovery | Easy | Health |
Love | Money | Proven |
Save |
Make it personal
“Style your copy directly to your audience’s interests,” advises noted direct-marketing consultant René Gnam. He cautions that what interests you about your product may not be what grabs your reader’s attention. “Take the time to learn the prospect’s point of view.” And use words such as “you” and “your.” In your letter, use typewriter type, not the typeset fonts in computer word-processing programs. “The typewriter feels more personal, even though no one uses a typewriter any more,” John Kremer observes.
Go easy on the graphics
“Too many graphics can ruin your piece,” notes Lois Geller of the New York agency, Mason & Geller Direct. René Gnam agrees. “You don’t need oceans of color,” he says. Design your mailing package to pull responses. “Design awards are far less important than bank deposits,” he says.
Plan your package with your printer
When you call your printer in early in the game, he can suggest ways to boost your mailing package’s response power—and save money, too!