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10 Ways to Use Lift Letters to Boost Response

A lift letter or note is a second, small communication inserted into a direct-mail package along with a multi-page sales letter and intended to increase response. But what do you put in a lift note to hype replies best?

Consultant John Forde suggests 10 possible alternatives:

  • A counterargument against a critical objection

    • If experience tells you that many sales prospects think your offer is too good to be true, for example, use a lift note to burn in your guarantee of satisfaction.

  • A test of an alternative headline

    • It is a rare offer that can be expressed by only one headline. Take advantage of a lift note to communicate a second line.

  • An extra testimonial

    • Devote a lift note—signed by a happy third party—to an especially strong testimonial.

  • An endorsement from a celebrity or authority

  • A stress on an offer deadline

  • A repeat of the key aspect of your offer

    • Could be a discount, a premium, a guarantee, or a reward for an early reply.

  • Add credibility

    • Print your lift note on an executive letterhead, for instance. Refresh your message’s news appeal

    • For example, your lift note could refer to events that occurred since the initial main mailing was written.

  • Underscore your offer’s Unique Selling Proposition and Benefits

    • Tell your prospects succinctly what your product or service can do that no competitive offer can accomplish.

  • Emphasize your track record and other credentials

  • Do not brag and boast. But do not hide your light under a basket.

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