Download FSC® Logos
Forest-friendly paper is good for business
FSC certification allows you to provide the responsible choices consumers want and demonstrate your commitment to forests worldwide.
Castle Press is Your FSC Certified Printer
Paper and packaging are some of the most widely used forest-based products, so ensuring they are sustainably sourced is crucial to protecting healthy, resilient forests. FSC certification allows you to provide the responsible choices consumers want and demonstrate your commitment to forests worldwide.
If your project is FSC-certified, you have the option to display the FSC-certified logo. Castle Press offers various versions of the FSC logos, with the final logo chosen based on the type of paper being used. To indicate the desired placement of the logo, download one of the FPO (for position only) logos and insert it into your document. Once the artwork is prepared for proofing, Castle Press will replace the FPO logo with the correct logo for your specific project.
How to Use the Logo
Reproduction size:
FSC Labels shall be printed at a size at which all elements are legible.
The minimum size for label in portrait format is 9mm in width.
The minimum size for label in landscape format is 6mm in height.
Clear space:
Clear space is the non-print area surrounding the label to ensure that the label remains uncluttered. It is calculated by using twice the height of the FSC wordmark. Where possible, apply more clear space than is required.