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5 Pointers on Publishing an Effective Newsletter
"Drip” marketing is the art of keeping your name and offers bright in the minds of your customers and known sales prospects. And...
Using a Newsletter as a Marketing Tool
It costs 10 times as much to sign up a new customer as to keep persuasively in touch with existing clients. Yet many advertisers neglect...
Putting out a Newsletter that Sells
First sales calls almost never produce orders right off the bat. Typically, it takes four to five contacts with a sales representative...
Extend Your Marketing Reach With a House Newsletter
Your company’s newsletter or other publication can be a useful tool for raising your company’s profile and stimulating sales. A...
6 Ways a Newsletter can Help You Develop and Retain Customers
A newsletter will keep your name in front of your customers. “Out of mind means lost sales. But a newsletter filled with interesting,...
8 Pointers on Publishing an Effective Promotional Newsletter
Give your readers something nourishing to chew on Newsletters that plug a business most strongly often seem not to plug it at all. By...
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