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Pounds vs. Points
Paper can be tricky—especially when you’re faced with terms like pounds and points.

An Online Company Print Store Increases Employee Efficiency
Online ordering is fast and efficient If you repeatedly order print items such as stationery, business cards, postcards or brochures, an...

When to use Monarch Letterhead and Envelopes
A handwritten note lends significance to any personal or professional correspondence. If you are on a first-name basis with your customers

Preparing your Variable Printing Project
Marketing Basics With modern variable printing, the text and graphics on each sheet of a press run can change to reflect the...

12 Nuggets on Variable-Data Printing
Variable-data printing, a form of digital printing, is a data-driven application that consistently delivers better results than...

Embossing & Foil Stamping
Embossing images requires creating a die — charges vary with size. Save money by discussing the design early in the planning process. Oftent

Drilling & Die Cutting
Standard drilling is 3-hole, but size and position of holes can be customized Standing dies can save you money During the design process,...

Tab Dividers
Die cut tab dividers can assist readers through sections of a binder Tab dividers have an approximate half inch section that extends past...

Shipping Tips
Discuss shipping expectations at the beginning of a project. Plan your distribution (immediate use, mail, warehouse, drop shipment)....

Comb Binding
Comb bindings are more vulnerable to damage than spiral bindings. Adjoining pages are held more tightly in register with each other than...

Case Binding
Case binding is the most common type of bookbinding for hardcover books. There is a minimum of 60 printed sheets. The pages are arranged...

Spiral Binding
Spiral bindings are made of either plastic or wire and allow the printed document to lie flat. Pages can also be folded back to 360...

Wire-O Binding
A Wire-O binding holds the covers and pages of a document firmly in place by a double-loop wire inserted through holes drilled in their...

Perfect Binding
Perfect binding is an adhesive based binding. It is the easiest and least durable way to produce books, and is how most paperback books...

Saddle Stitching
Saddle Stitching refers to a very popular book binding method used for booklets, magazines, catalogs, calendars, and many other printed...

13 Ways to Go Green when Communicating in Print
Smaller Saves Rethinking size in general is a good place to start. Can a smaller piece serve the same purpose and have as much impact as...

Printing Technology
Digital, Offset or Large Format - What are your options? Narrowing our options What is the final product? What is the size of our piece?...

Digital or Offset?
Which Printing Technology Will Best Serve Your Needs? How to determine how many to print Digital printing or offset printing produces the...

Photoshop & Rich Black
Using 100% black on small objects such as body copy text and fine keyline borders is recommended. But if you have a large background of...

Digital PrePress
Getting your file imaged onto the printing plate at the lowest cost Desktop Publishing Desktop publishing is the process of using the...
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