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Examine Your Appeal Letters
Tips to create a successful appeal letter to donors.

Involve Readers in Your Offer
Direct mail expert Lee Marc Stein offers ways to involve readers in your direct mail offer.

4 Ways to Get Off to a Good Start in Mail Fundraising
Industry leader Stephen Hitchcock offers 4 ways to boost your direct mail fundraising

4 Tips on Retaining Donors
Four tips from industry leader Alan Sharpe on how to retain donors.

4 Proven Ways to Promote your Outfit’s Green Good
Four tips to promote your green initiatives to your customers

4 Direct-Mail Sales Boosters
4 ways to boost sales from your direct mail campaigns

4 Bases Every Direct Mailer Needs to Cover
Craver, Mathews, Smith group advises that direct mailers carefully pay attention—to four factors that determine the health of a promotion

Direct-Marketing Observations from Nat G. Bodian
Tips for direct-marketing from industry leader Nat G. Bodian

19 of Dick Benson’s Direct-Mail Rules of Thumb
19 rules of thumb to follow for your next direct-mail campaign from industry leader Dick Benson

16 Direct Mail Watchwords
Bob Stone explains in his more than 30 years in the marketing trenches these 16 direct-mail watchwords held true more than 90% of the time

Fine-Tune Your Offer
Noted marketing authority Stephen Lett gives pointers to fine tune your offer.

12 Winning Ideas on Postcards and Self-Mailers
Use non-envelope mailers as economical ways to stay in touch with existing customers. They know you already. So you need not introduce...

12 Pointers Toward Successful Direct Mail
12 pointer from industry leaders to create a successful direct mail campaign

11 Direct-Mail Pointers from Ed Burnett
Ed Burnett gives 11 Direct-Mail Pointers for companies

10 Ways to Boost Mail Response
Nancy Harhut of Boston’s respected Hill, Holiday advertising agency, urges you to dig deeper into what moves people off the dime.

10 Ways to Use Lift Letters to Boost Response
A lift letter or note is a second, small communication inserted into a direct-mail package along with a multi-page sales letter

10 Direct Marketing Tips from Lester Wunderman
Lester Wunderman, “the father of direct marketing” outlined 10 big things about today’s direct marketing during a recent interview

10 Authoritative Observations on Testimonials
Testimonials and endorsements should be used only if they are: authorized by the person quoted…genuine and related to the experience.

A Strategic Approach to Your Marketing
A list to help you have a strategic approach to your marketing

What is Marketing Collateral?
Marketing collateral is a term for a collection of media used to support the sales of a product or service.
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