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Postcard Marketing
Why are postcards a good marketing choice? Your customer, prospects and suspects like to receive information from you. 98 percent of...

Who Should You Target when Using Postcards
Three different markets that you can target with postcards: Use a postcard as economical ways to stay in touch with existing customers....

10 Tips to Make Postcard Mailings Work
With money tight these days, many direct-mail advertisers are turning to inexpensive media like postcards – especially for new business...

7 Basics of Successful Mail Advertising
Involve your reader Gain your recipient’s attention by making him or her a participant in your mail advertising—not just a passive set of...

10 Tips on Long Sales Letters
Marketing consultant Kevin Nunley writes that long letters of up to 12 pages are increasingly popular with advertisers who want to make...

Keys to Effective Direct-Marketing Copy
Sell benefits, not features Your reader doesn't care how many teeth are on your machine's gears. He only cares that your machine will...

5 Ways to Power up your Direct Mail
Structure your copy Bob Stone, who wrote the classic book, “Successful Direct Marketing Methods,” says that this architecture makes for...

5 Pointers on Direct Mail Fundraising
Individual Americans now give more than $100 billion a year to nonprofit organizations. Most of their donations come from letters they...

10 Ways to Tell if your Mailing Needs Long or Short Copy
One direct-marketing “expert,” unnamed here in order to protect the guilty, recently advised mail advertisers that letters and reply...

Direct Mail Copy Writing Quiz
Consultant Deborah S. Ramstorf asks 9 questions that she says show how well you know direct-mail advertising copy. What percentage of...

Steps to Cost-Effective Personalized Mail
Choose laser-compatible paper stocks Uncoated offset stocks from 50 pound to 9 point usually work well. — If using a coated stock, use a...

Make Personalized Direct Mail Pay Off
Kelly Fiedler’s 12 Ways to Make Personalized Direct Mail Pay Off Avoid “Ready…Shoot…Aim": Defining goals beforehand will let you...

Personalized Postcard Case Study
UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering case study Client Information UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science is a...

Who are We Mailing To?
Forty percent of the success of any direct mail package is dependent upon the quality of the mailing list. The post office delivers an...

Testing Mailing Lists
Choose a good list Your mailing list can generate more than 40% of your total responses to a mailing, according to the Direct Marketing...

5 Good Reasons to Clean up your House List Now
Marketing consultant Robert Bly estimates that your house file—customer names and addresses—will pull double the response of any external...

4 Points to Remember when Choosing Mailing List
List selection determines 60% to 80% of the success—or failure—of a direct mailing, according to veteran New York marketing consultant...

Mailing List Advice from Jeffrey Dobkin
Well-chosen lists are key to profitable direct-mail advertising. Most observers agree that the list is as important to a mailing’s...

6 Ways to Boost Mailing List ROI
Marketing consultant Ron Ferguson advises that you’ll boost your return on investment from direct mailing lists if you: 1. Always mail to...

Mail List Hygiene
Conventional wisdom is that 40% of the success of a direct mail campaign is attributed to the quality of the mailing list. Your offer has...
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