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Pounds vs. Points
Paper can be tricky—especially when you’re faced with terms like pounds and points.

5 Pointers on Headlines
5 pointers from author Robert Boduch on how to maximize the impact of your headlines

5 Pointers for when Your Employees Attend a Trade Show
Every person your company has attend a trade show costs your business at least $2,000 out of pocket — for registration fees, air fares...

How to Make QR Technology Work for You
Think through the strategy first What value or worthwhile experience are you going to deliver? Make sure to optimize the experience for...

Why Would People Scan Your QR Code?
Your customer wants to be entertained, or they want instant information. It’s that simple: entertainment or information. How do you...

QR Codes
QR means Quick Response QR codes were invented by Toyota subsidiary Denso Wave in Japan in 1994, and were originally used for tracking...

5 Pointers on Publishing an Effective Newsletter
"Drip” marketing is the art of keeping your name and offers bright in the minds of your customers and known sales prospects.

3 Keys to Effective Digital Postcards
Growing businesses—which keenly need promotional punch but often cannot afford envelope-carried mailings—frequently turn to postcards as...

How to Boost Advertising Readership by Aging Customers
By their mid-50’s, your sales prospects will begin to experience: diminished visual acuity slowed focus loss of color sensitivity blurred...

When to use Photos or Drawings in Advertising
A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. But all pictures are not created equal. Depending on what you are trying to communicate,...

Large Type Boosts Advertising Readership
Americans age 45+ earn more than 50% of U.S. discretionary income That amounts to $756 billion. They make from 45% to 75% of annual...

Making Graphics Sell
Here are 9 tips from Ted Kikoler for Making Graphics Sell: Zoom in on the product Use large-as-possible photos and illustrations Crop...

Typography and Design can Get Your Message Across—or Get in the Way
Here are some highlights of Colin Wheildon’s Research on “How Typography and Design can get your Message Across—or get in the Way”...

How to Write Effective Headlines
Here are tips from marketing guru John Caples on writing effective headlines Begin your headline with “new” or “now” After you have...

Rule #1 of Productive Copywriting
“Good copywriters are not usually the most imaginative people,” writes nationally respected marketing consultant Terry Dean. “They don’t...

Writing to be Believed
If your advertising’s readers do not believe what you say, you have wasted your marketing dollars — plus reinforcing your audience’s...

Study Shows that Complex Copy & Graphics Often Backfire
K*I*S*S — “Keep It Simple, Stupid” — long have been watchwords in direct mail. Now, research by Daniel M. Oppenheimer, a Princeton...

Effective Design
Make your material reader-friendly. Every element in your advertising should encourage readership, because if your prospects do not read...

8 Pointers on Writing Effective Copy
“Each product or service has natural strengths and weaknesses” to stress or downplay in your advertising, New Jersey consultant Robert W....

What should be included in a Creative Brief?
A Creative Brief establishes goals and objectives for your marketing efforts. It helps bring clarity to all participates and ends...
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